20 Chair Cushions in the Kitchen
Feel more comfortable in the kitchen with cushioned chairs.
I know that you have seen kitchen stools made of wood or metal or even plastic and then are some of these chairs that has cushions on them. Personally, I know of some kitchen stools without cushions that are really comfortable, but from time to time, it is actually nice to know that you’d be sitting down on a chair with cushion because in our minds we know that they are more comfortable than those without it.
Below, we have prepared a list of 20 Chair Cushions in the Kitchen that I think has cute looks to them. Aside from being cute, they seem comfortable and real catchy. Most of them blend with the entire kitchen while others actually stand out! Pick a favorite and tell us what you think about them!
1. Classic Traditional
First on the list is a simple neutral colored kitchen! The kitchen stools look a bit unique and because they are foldable, it would be easy to really move them around the house and use them somewhere else; even in the outdoors! These chairs look real outdoorsy and neat!
2. Contemporary Lawrence Park
What a cute kitchen island! It is actually small and yet it still was able to accommodate three kitchen stools! I know that we always see white kitchens and why not? It always seem a great idea to really paint the kitchen white, and seeing this kitchen makes me realize why people really choose this color.
3. Cottage Chic
Normal looking chairs only – taller! That’s what most kitchen stools are and this one looks rather amusing for me – in a good way, of course! This kitchen is wide and it surely allows a couple of people in here together at one time to prepare food and even eat. I know that the kitchen nook is small, still, I think you can always add tables and chairs on the side.
4. Paradise Dawn
Charles Clayton Construction Inc.
I think it’s actually a superb move – it saves space and creates a fun and interactive kitchen area. In here, we see how the fabric on the kitchen stool complements all the wood around it.
5. Parkside Contemporary
When I saw this kitchen bar with those stools, I was blown away! I can’t say that I’m a fan of the color used for the legs of the stools, but the design of it sure is interesting and actually neat! I like how the red and oranges actually add color to this white and grey combo for the kitchen.
6. Siesta Lane
Lauren Brandwein
If I am not mistaken, these kitchen stools area made from hollow metal. What’s nice about these chairs is that they are easy to carry around because they are not heavy and even without the cushions the chairs are comfy.
7. Toronto Kitchen
The chairs in this kitchen photo are not that close up but I wanted to really include this kitchen to this list because this space is just beautiful. The grey cabinets and unique kitchen island (because it has a totally different color from everything in here), looks really wonderful plus these chairs look real neat – even from this angle.
8. Artistic Contemporary in Carmichael
Most of the kitchen stools that I have seen and even sat in almost have the same look or material from any other chair or kitchen stool in the market.
9. Elegant Eclectic
These chairs are of the nice ones in this list for me. This one is basically upholstered and I think that they’re real neat. The color is nice – I really like it and they complement well with the color of the kitchen bar. I know that it’s not real obvious from this photo, but the dining table is paired with yellow chairs which I think is real sweet!
10. Intercontinental Residence
The designs of the stools in this lovely intercontinental residence are quite a treat! The chair’s design somehow seems common but the color and material (especially the back rests) looks rather pretty and special. Grey might be the most ideal color chosen because of the granite that they used for the bar area.
11. Midtown Portfolio
Brookfield Residential Colorado
The chairs by the kitchen island/bar are most likely wood. I would like to guess that this design is a common one and what actually makes it special for me is the color which is similar to the dining chairs too! Although this is a cool way to actually match your chairs at home, most people seem to use different ones for variety.
12. Back Bay Residence
I really appreciate kitchen stools or bar stools that actually have back rests and these are pretty sweet!
13. Lakeside Living
Unless that’s a mirror underneath the kitchen island – it seems like the chairs in here on opposite sides like that of a dining table or something. Wait a sec, is this a dining table though? Whatever the case, this kitchen is quite lovely along with the large walkways for traffic and room circulation.
14. Brattle Street Residence
This kitchen somehow looks like the future kitchen design I’ll be making in our kitchen at home! I love the fact that they actually made the nook level to the chairs that they picked out for this space! This design makes me think that the homeowners did not care for high kitchen stools.
15. Sunrise Harbor II
The way they placed the kitchen bar and the dining table is kind of neat. This could mean that the homeowner could actually invite more people and sit them by the kitchen bar when they are having their meals or something.
16. Tradewinds
Charles Clayton Construction Inc.
The chairs in here sure have that look of furniture in a beach home or something. I can’t say for sure if this home is actually by the beach or a lake, but it sure has a wonderful aura and ambiance that anyone would actually love and enjoy!
17. Elevation Apartments
Carlyn And Company Interiors + Design
This kitchen is super long! This place could actually pass for a mansion or a large ranch home (of course, the design does not say ‘ranch’, but I think you get what I meant when I said that). The space looks wonderful and definitely stunning. Clean lines and expensive things are visible in this kitchen which I think makes this one really stand out!
18. Grand House
Helen Green Design
I love the open space across the kitchen bar and the fact that this home has a skylight! Talk about passive lighting and ventilation which could mean energy savings and a happy Mother Earth! The kitchen stools in here look neat and really comfortable, do you agree with me?
19. Philadelphia Showroom
Contemporary show home from Fretz which I think is real beautiful and homey. Personally, I have seen kitchen designs that are really beautiful and even close to perfect (for me), but then does not look homey enough – this case if different because this space is both beautiful in design and homey.
20. Serenity
Charles Clayton Construction Inc.
This kitchen has a beautiful black and white backsplash which I love. This backsplash seems to be the only texture seen in here since most of the things in here looks plain and simple. The color and material of the kitchen stools look easy to maintain – which I think any home owner would really like.
All in all, I am really happy to be able to complete this list. The kitchen designs in here are beautiful and the additional kitchen stools actually are special too! If you have stools without cushions, you can always buy some in your favorite home depots or shops to add them in your spaces! Do check out some more chair cushions in the list we created before and share them with your friends!