15 Lovely Oval Pool Designs
Usually, we see pools that are rectangular in shape and we would be pleased to see pools that are in a different shape. Even seeing an infinity pool would wow us! How much more if you see a pool that has a lovely shape? Adding curves to a pool make it appear a lot softer and lighter to the eyes. That is why some people prefer to have pools with Grecian, Romanian or even an oval shape.
Well, we think that there is a slight difference between having a rectangular pool and an oval pool because they are both elongated and long only that the oval pool as rounded edges. If we speak of space, there would certainly be subtracted spaces near the edges but that isn’t much too. So, today, we will show you how beautiful an oval pool can be through some images we have gathered below:
Private Residence – Mediterranean Style Estate
Harold Leidner Landscape Architects
Decorative pavestone driveway, travertine terraces and all tile oval pool seemingly invites you to this beautiful space.
Pools & Spas
This pool looks serene. But aside from the fountains and lights, the stones and greens around it are extremely dashing!
Refurbished Pool and Terraced Garden
A quite place to relax and unwind. The benches on the sides and the pool house are nice as it surrounds the oval pool at the center.
Private Residence
First glance at this pool will make you think of royalty! But aside from the oval shape, an arc is added to one side which made it look even more beautiful.
From this oval pool, you can also get a good view of the beach. The surrounding is next to paradise!
Indoor Swimming Pools
We’d guess that you have seen this indoor pool in previous features. The oval shape is stunning but the shell decor on one end makes it look whimsical.
Rustic Elegance
HARRIS Landscape Architecture
A rustic pool with a lounge area made of wood. The stones around its oval shape add to its rustic elegance.
9280 E Thompson Peak Parkway
The Matheson Team
You would surely admire the beauty of this zero edge oval pool especially that it has a well-designed landscape too.
English Tudor Estate Garden
A raised all tile pool, antique brick, outdoor cabana, dining area and boxwood parterre are seen in this area. This proves that even a hilly area cannot hinder a creative and intelligent designer.
Frederic Francis
A basement gym has a special feature- an indoor oval pool. It may be small but it is functional, beneficial and totally relaxing.
Basement pool in London
An in ground oval pool that has blue green tiles in it letting it blend with the environment.
Weston Home
A dramatic surrounding on top of the hill featuring an oval shaped bluestone pool paving.
Webman Renovation
Christopher Jeffrey Architects
We’d guess that this is a small area but they still managed to add an oval pool and outdoor seating.
Elliptical Pool
Samuel H. Williamson Associates
Even a simple home can look beautiful once an oval pool is added to the backyard.
Decked Out
An above-ground pool with an oval shape. This can also be a pleasing pool to bath on!
So, what can you say about these pools? They sure are lovely aren’t they? Well, oval pools are the next best option after rectangular ones either for a small or a large pool. Choosing the oval shape makes your pool a perfect highlight for your yard or indoor space because even if you don’t add so many pool accessories, it would stand out and look beautiful. Aside from an oval pool, you can also try having a kidney shaped pool which is also another shape that is used by most homeowners.